Kids photography tips
Tips for Kids Photography :-
Life gives ample moments which must be captured just the way they are, as the expression itself in those moments is at its best. This known as CANDID Photography. Kids Candid photography is exactly the same where parents with our help can capture their little one’s natural expression while letting them do their stuff.
But there are some points need to reviewed by the parents before the shoot to get a favorable results. And here they are:
1.Interact with your photographer , tell them your expectations.
First and the foremost thing to do is to understand photographers expectation as well as make him understand your expectations.
- Are there any must-have photos?
- Do you have a special location you’d like us to check out?
- Is there anything else we should know?
- Is there someone we can thank for referring you?
2. Breathe & Patience.
Kids do the things in their own way . So be prepare for any kind of silly behavior from their children . Patience is reqired from both Parents and Photographer during the shoot
3. Timing and Duration
Timing is the most crucial that the parents keep in mind. The duration of the shoot may go around 3-4 hours which enough for the kid to feel tired, irritated, thirsty and even hungry. My advice is not to have the shoot during or just before their NAP time. Feed your child well before 1-2 hours before the shoot and make sure that he/she had a sound sleep the night before and is in maximum energy level during the shoot. We often take a short break during the shoot. you can feed them and make them rest during this period of time. But feed them adequate not less nor more.
Note: It is not advised to give chocolates or lollipops during the shoot as they can stain their face as well as their clothes easily, Though that can be used as a prop for one or two Picture , if he/she likes it
4. Act of Valor
Well if you are not aware of this term then don’t worry it is just a military term for act of bravery. And I am kidding but still mean about the act. The thing is every single thing that you and your kid will do during the shoot is an act but a real one though. You just have to do everything as you do usually. What is advisable is that looking good through out the act(parents as well as the kid ) and make the kid happy. Just make sure everything you use during the period of time is not too shiny or down town. Just make sure the Hero/Heroine of the act stays clean during the shoot.
5. Environment
How do you think environment will help. Be it indoor or outdoor the environment around the kid must be very jolly and playful. Let them do what they want to do. If they want your help to do something go ahead and help them out as would usually don’t get conscious of the camera. Remember I told you that everything is an act. Even your interaction with the kid will be captured naturally . So do the act as if no photographer is present at that place
6. Trust the photographer
Mood swings is very normal with the kids especially with the male one’s and this can kill a lot of time. In here your presence will definitely play as a catalyst to his arrogance, which can go worse. What do you think we must do to press on? Trust the photographer with your kid and give them some time alone. The child will calm down instantaneously and will start listening to the photographer and may end up both of them playing together. In my experience,it always worked.
7. Natural lights
Natural light is the best, so try to create a shooting environment outside using available light .Some shots /half of the shoot can be conducted indoor also if there is good enough natural light entering.(P.S Your Photographer will notify about that during the shoot) . Try some near by parks or garden where photography is allowed, even the society garden will work if it has enough space for the kid to stretch out and play hearty. After all, we want our subject to be very happy and excited as well as have a lot of fun.
Note: It is not advised to select a garden/park that is low in space or heavily crowded.( In case your kid gets too much distracted by seeing others ). So timing and location are also crucial here .
8. Clothes to wear and not to wear :-
Please try to stay away from low contrast(dull colored) clothing. Don’t use green color for outdoor shoots where there is already too much greenery. A cool T-shirt with a pair of cargo shorts and with a pair of shoe will work just fine. And for girls a cute dress with a pair of belly and a small ribboned hat and nothing can go wrong. For parents, I know you are smart.Pickup different type of costume and try different hairstyles after every change. The idea is to give different look with every change.
9. Props and toys
For the shoot 2-3 toys recommended but not more. My advice is not to shot your kids favorite toy ( Sometimes it works and sometimes it will end up him play with that single toy through the shoot .)You definitely don’t want every photo of your child with the same toy. As far as props are concerned it can be anything attractive to feel up the surrounding, like swing and slides in a park, A school bag or his/her personal umbrella. Baby Mats and Spreadsheet of different colors ,carved with cartoon characters can be used as Background indoor. They need to be clipped or pasted on the wall temporary with a tape ,cloth clip or safety pin whatever helps to do so.
Note: I have seen a lot of clients misunderstanding kids candid with family portraits. let me tell you both of them are different from the core level. Please be sure of your needs and if still any doubt persist, clear from us before booking the shoot.
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